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Classified For RealEstates v1.3.1.1 – Classified App with Frontend and Admin Panel

Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹49.00.

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Availability: In Stock

– Version : 1.3.1 | Change Logs
– Provided Full Application : iOS, Android and Frontend website with Admin Panel
– You can build iOS | Android | Frontend Website



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Please aware for Envato’s official support policy at here : https://codecanyon.net/page/item_support_policy We would like to highlight some points from their official documentation.


If available support extend then
– Answering questions about how to use the item
– Answering technical questions about the item (and included third party assets)
– Help with defects in the item or included third party assets
– Item updates to ensure ongoing compatibility and to resolve security vulnerabilities

Although available support, the following will not be included.
– Item customization
– Installation of the item
– Hosting, server environment, or software
– Help from authors of included third party assets

Please note that our items do not include “extended support” officially, but we strive to provide the best possible service to all our clients for their convenience. Please aware about Panacea-Soft’s support policy at here. As an elite author on the Envato marketplace, our support policy aligns with Envato’s item support policy.


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PSX Real Estates Classified

“PSX Real Estates Classified” offers numerous benefits to both buyers and sellers in the real estate market. It supports streamline the property search, provide extensive information and options, and enable direct communication between buyers and sellers. Your one-stop destination for all real estate classified needs because it included a Mobile Project and Backend Admin panel.

User Registration and Profiles: Allow users to create accounts and build profiles to manage their personal information, contact details, and preferences.

Property Listings: The platform allows users (sellers or agents) to create detailed property listings, including information such as property type, location, size, amenities, price, and high-quality images or videos.

Search and Filters: Users can search for properties based on specific criteria such as location, price range, property type, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, amenities, and more.

Custom Fields: Moreover, if you want to add own custom field then you can add it via PSX-Builder. You no need to change on the mobile all. All those new custom fields will show on the app dynamically.

Realtime Chatting: Implement a messaging system that enables communication between buyers and sellers. Users should be able to send messages and schedule for meet up. Push notifications can be used to inform users about new messages, listing updates, or relevant information.

Favorites and Watchlists: Enable users to save listings they are interested in to their favorites or watchlists, making it easier to revisit and track specific vehicles.

Location-based Services: Integrate with mapping services to provide location-based features, including displaying nearby properties.

Social Login: Allows users to log in to a website or application using their existing social media accounts, such as Facebook or Google or Apple or Phone Login, simplifying the login process and eliminating the need to create a new account.

Verify Users: To verified user accounts, establishing their authenticity and credibility. It helps users easily identify trustworthy accounts and distinguishes them from potential impostors or fake profiles.

Language and Localization: Support multiple languages and provide localization features to cater to users from different regions and enhance the user experience. It support RTL also.

Promote: User able to promote their uploaded item. It is integration with some popular payment such as Paypal, Stripe, PayStack and Razor. Moreover, if your region not support for those payment then you can try with local offline payments.

Cost-Effective Ad Reach Solution(Package): It offers a cost-effective solution for promoting products or services, allowing businesses to reach their target audience through multiple ad placements while staying within their budget.

Google Admob Monetization: Enables app developers to generate revenue by integrating targeted advertisements from the Google AdMob platform into their mobile applications, maximizing earning potential through various ad formats and advanced targeting options, while maintaining a seamless user experience.

Admin Dashboard: Provide a backend administration panel to manage user accounts, listings, reported content, and other app-related activities.

App Customization: Allow users to personalize their app experience by choosing colors, setting preferences, and other dynamic data configuration from the Admin Panel.

Advanced Feature with PSXBuilder Portal?

If a user wants to add new fields then they don’t need to modify at coding because they can add new custom fields dynamically from PSX-Builder Portal. Users are able to use the PSX-Builder according to Envato’s license terms and conditions. Users are able to transfer between PSBuilder and Admin Panel by using a JSON file. So, the main benefit is users are able to switch easily to another niche with custom fields without coding modification.


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