Connect – The Perfect Solution to Connect & Collaborate
Video Conference, Live Video Chat, Online Meeting, Live Class, Webinar,
Online Training, Podcast, P2P Chat Messaging, Group Chat, Screen Sharing,
Whiteboard and Real Time File Sharing
Connect is a Web Application offering Real-Time Communication with Video & Audio Communication, File Sharing, Screen Sharing, Whiteboard and Live P2P & Group Chat Messaging. Built using secure and efficient WebRTC, which is an open source framework to enable real-time communication of audio, video and data in Web and native apps. It enables users to communicate with others via Video & Audio Conference, Webinar, Podcast etc.
Some of Awesome Features
Here are some points which make Connect the Perfect Solution for your Audio & Video Conferencing needs.
- Multiple Meeting Types
- Scheduled & Instant Meetings
- Contacts & Segments for Invitation
- Audio, Video and Screen Sharing Options
- Multiple Level of Meeting Configurations
- Live Chat / Real Time Messaging
- Real Time File Sharing
- Multiple Authentication Option
- Complete Users Management System
- Whiteboard & Streaming
- Publicly Accessible Meetings
Awesome Features
Connect is built on modern web technologies such as Laravel, VueJS and Bootstrap CSS framework, with tons of built-in features and components, it enables users to communicate with others via Video & Audio Conference, Webinar, Podcast etc.
Here are the list of some of the highlighted features of Connect:
- Built with Latest Version of Laravel (8.x), The Most Popular and Widely Supported PHP Framework
- Built with Latest Version of Vue.JS – The Fastest and The Most Starred JavaScript Framework
- Easy Installation Wizard and Step-by-step Installation Tutorial Videos
- Supports REST API, easy to integrate with other application
- Single Page Application, reduces queries to server, decreases loading time, less bandwidth usage and improved user experience
- Most Efficient Database Structure, gives scalability to the application
- Multiple Authentication Options
- Registration, Login, Activation, Approval
- Social Login, Two-Factor Authentication
- User Profile, Avatar, Change Password, Online/Offline Status
- Roles & Permissions Management (ACL) System
- Multi Lingual and Locale Management
- Auto & Manual Screen Locking
- UI and Push Notifications
- Print and Export Functionality
- Press Any Key to Search
- Frontend Website built with Laravel Blade
- Maintenance Mode
- Mobile Responsive Design
- Full Screen Mode
- Multiple Color Scheme
- Multiple Styling Options
We will be updating regularly with latest version of framework, plugins, features and fixes. You can share your feedback, bug reports and feature requests. We will try to implement in upcoming versions as soon as we can.
Live Demo Links and Credentials
Admin Login Page – Click here to open
Username: admin Password: password
User Login Page – Click here to open
Username: user Password: password
Installation Prerequisites & Server Requirements
Make sure you read the Support Documentation for Application and other Server Requirements, Installation Prerequisite, on how much attendees Connect Application can handle and other useful topics.
Also, make sure all the installation prerequisites mentioned on the documentation are installed and fulfilled on your server. These prerequisites are mandatory, without these Connect won’t install and won’t work properly. We are not responsible for installing and fulfilling installation prerequisites on your server. Metaphorically speaking, we are selling you a computer, we are not going to set up an electricity board at your place.
PHP >= 8.1 (for CLI and Web both)
PHP Extensions Required
- OpenSSL
- MBString
- Ctype
- MySQL Native Driver
- GD Image Library
- Zip Archive
- cURL (7.70+ version) (for CLI and Web both)
- GMP (Required for sending Web Push Notification, added on v1.4)
For Database:
- MySQL >= 8
- NOTE: MariaDB is not supported, use MySQL instead of MariaDB!
Additional Server Requirements
- allow_url_fopen enabled
- SSL Installed on the Server
Other Requirements
- Pusher API Credentials
- Signaling Server (by default it uses KodeMint’s Free Signaling Server)
- ICE (STUN / TURN) Server
These are mandatory requirements! You can use a third party or free (if available) service provider for Signaling and ICE Services, or you can have your own Signaling and ICE Servers by setting those up yourself. You can also hire us or someone else to set those up for you. Without Signaling and ICE Server the Connect Script won’t work! Please understand that we are only responsible for Connect Script, and not responsible for installing or providing you Signaling & ICE Server.
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